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lakoliwclk diary
24 décembre 2009

You Win if You Finish

I BEGAN swimming competitively when I was 6. My mom drove me to 5:30 a.m. practices. While I trained, she would sit in the car and fall asleep. As a high school senior, I was captain of the swimming team. The team became close. We thought green hair from chlorine was normal.

When my brother was 14, he climbed a tree and was shocked by a power line. He had his right arm and leg amputated. He was in intensive care and spent six to eight months learning how to walk on a prosthetic limb.

Six years later, in February 1982, my brother and I were watching an Ironman competition on TV. Julie Moss was leading the women’s competition when she stumbled and fell. She crawled her way to the finish line. (An Ironman triathlon has a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride and a 26.2-mile run.) We looked at each other afterward and said, “Wouldn’t it be great if we could do that race?

Two years later, my brother competed in a sprint triathlon, with a 0.47-mile swim, a 12.4-mile bike ride and a 3.1-mile run, at the University of Central Florida. I thought, “If he can do it, I can do it.”

In 1986, I competed in a similar sprint triathlon. I was two miles into the bike ride when my bike’s left pedal came off. I spent about 30 minutes trying to get it back on. I couldn’t. I carried the pedal and rode the next 10 miles on my right leg. My brother met me at the transition between the bike ride and the run.

“Why are you going so slow?” he asked. I said, “I decided to do it on one leg like you.” What mattered most was finishing.

At the University of Florida, I majored in mechanical engineering. I loved the idea of constructing something. When I graduated in 1991, I got a job with Babcock & Wilcox as a resident engineer treating chemicals so they could be reused in paper processing.安全工程师考试 安全工程师考试试题 安全工程师考试报名 安全工程师考试时间 安全工程师考试内容 安全工程师考试试题 安全工程师考试成绩查询法律知识:法律知识热点 安全工程师法律知识热点 法律知识热点辅导 法律知识热点问题法律知识试题 安全工程师法律知识试题 法律知识试题及答案 法律知识试题下载 历年安全工程师法律知识试题 法律知识模拟试题 法律知识模拟试卷管理知识: 管理知识测试安全工程师管理知识 安全工程师管理知识试题安全工程师试题 安全工程师题及答案 安全工程师试题下载安全工程师模拟题 安全工程师模拟试卷生产技术:安全工程师生产技术指导 安全工程师生产技术技巧生产技术试题 安全工程师生产技术试题 安全工程师生产技术真题及答案生产技术模拟试题 安全工程师生产技术模拟题案例: 安全工程师案例 案例成绩查询案例试题 安全工程师案例试题 安全工程师案例试题及答案 安全工程师案例经验技巧安全工程师案例模拟试题

About two years later, the company sent me to consult on a project in Venezuela. I didn’t speak Spanish. I had an English-Spanish dictionary, and during my flight memorized as many Spanish words as I could. I was the only one in the plant who spoke English, so I became pretty fluent in Spanish.

A little over a year later, I was sent to Thailand for six months. I tried to pick up the Thai language but it was incredibly difficult.

When I returned to the United States, I was sent to the company’s office in Chapel Hill, N.C., then to Orlando, Fla. In 1995, when I was starting work on a project in Orlando, I decided to quit my job and become an information technology consultant. I was 27.

I also began training for triathlons again. I was one of the top 10 in my age group to qualify in the Gulf Coast Triathlon, a half-Ironman event, so I could compete in the 1996 Ironman Triathlon World Championship in Hawaii. I finished in 11 hours, 12 minutes, 44 seconds — 692nd of 1,289 participants.

In Hawaii, I met Dr. James P. Gills, then an owner of the World Triathlon Corporation, which owned the Ironman trademark and operated and licensed races. Two years later, a board member called me to consult on an I.T. project. I consulted for two years and then was asked to become vice president for I.T. I turned it down; the timing wasn’t right.

A year later, I got another call. This time I accepted the offer. In 2004, the C.E.O. stepped down. The board invited several people to submit business plans about the direction of the company. I was one of them. I was voted in as C.E.O.

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In September 2008, Dr. Gills sold World Triathlon to Providence Equity Partners, which created a new holding company, World Endurance Holdings. I have an equity stake and am part owner.

From the day I saw my first Ironman triathlon competition nearly 28 years ago, I knew I had to compete in it. I’ve turned this lifelong passion into a dynamic career.

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lakoliwclk diary